Especially in times of constant change, supporting executives in a targeted manner is crucial for success. Consequently, 37 percent of German companies have already firmly established coaching and supervision as part of their leadership development. 41 percent of companies plan to implement such instruments in the future or are currently being developed. These are the results of the “Success in Change” study. Management consultancy Staufen interviewed more than 400 top executives from German companies for this study.
Although individual support of executives is not yet widespread, it is well on its way. 37 percent of the companies surveyed in the study have already successfully integrated coaching or supervision. 28 percent are currently developing corresponding structures, and 13 percent are planning to implement them. Nearly one in four companies has neither implemented such instruments nor is currently introducing them.
“Even though more and more companies are fortunately focusing on the topic of coaching, there is often a lack of willingness to use such modern executive development tools. However, it is worth it to close this gap. Because coaching is an ideal tool to support management in times of change,” says Werner Luik, Partner at Staufen AG AG. Against the background of digital transformation, impulses from an external person can open up new perspectives and generate ideas for solutions. Coaching allows executives to slow down and find their inner orientation.
“The higher the position, the less likely an executive is to receive objective and qualified feedback. An executive coach’s neutral perspective helps executives reflect on their own leadership behavior,” says the Staufen expert. Confidential exchange with a professional sparring partner on an equal footing can provide effective support to accomplish increasingly complex tasks. According to Luik, demands on executives will continue to increase in the coming years. “Constantly changing corporate structures and increasingly agile work environments demand a high degree of flexibility and a broad understanding of roles.”
In addition, almost 70 percent of companies surveyed in the context of the Staufen study predominantly fill their management positions internally. To ensure that the transition to the next hierarchical level goes smoothly, Staufen expert Luik recommends that executives have a professional coach at their side. The greatest hurdle is that almost half of companies acknowledge that they still have an outdated understanding of leadership and careers. It will only work with an openness for innovation and willingness to break new ground or even embark on an uncertain journey,” says the business consultant.
About the study “Success in Change”
Business consultancy Staufen surveyed a total of 421 companies in Germany on the subject of “Success in Change” for the “Change Readiness Index 2019.” More than 65 percent of the companies surveyed come from the mechanical and plant engineering industry, the electrical industry and the automotive industry.