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Staufen Magazine

A journal for change.

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our previous Staufen Magazines

Magazine 2023 |
N0. 6

Magazine 2022 |
N0. 5

Magazine 2021 |
N0. 4

Magazine 2020 |
N0. 3

Magazine 2019 |
N0. 2

Magazine 2018 |
N0. 1

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LO ÚLTIMO DE STAUFEN. SIEMPRE LO MÁS ACTUAL POSIBLE. Lea aquí sobre las cosas que nos mueven y su industria. Nuestra selección de noticias te mantendrá informado sobre las personas, los proyectos y los últimos números de interés.

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In times of rapid, sometimes even disruptive change, an organization’s ability to adapt and change is the success factor par excellence. Without a finely tuned culture of change that promotes a pioneering spirit and personal responsibility, it will not be possible to successfully anticipate future developments. In our podcast, business leaders and innovators discuss the challenges ahead as well as new ways and opportunities to flexibly adapt to them.

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